these pencils have been a long time coming
something i've wanted to do for a long long time (years really)
to make our mark, to draw
to doodle, to make lists . . .
to write : poems, books,
messages, music . . .
love letters . . .
(whatever really)
and although everything is getting more computer-focused it seems
the rawness and realness of a mark on paper
still draws me in . . . i will always use a pencil
and so i've got these FSC timber pencils
printed ( here in australia )
not only with some of my favourite quotes
but quotes that i also felt appropriate in
why or how to make a mark :
honesty . . . giving . . . children . . . heart
i will list some of the stores (here) that will stock them next week
soon they will also be online at biome
( and also in my online store when that goes live )
they come with four different quotes :
be silly, be honest, be kind - emerson
the love we give away is the only love we keep - elbert hubbard
it takes a village to raise a child - african proverb
fill your paper with the breathings of your heart - wordsworth
i hope you like them
and they inspire the breathings of your heart
to live on a page
i am off to write a letter now