is being able to see & purchase work by other artists...
above is 2 great little pieces i bought from brisbane potter ky curran
on the weekend at the GoMA markets...
i bought a few other bits and pieces from ky & other stall holders
but some of them will be christmas presents
so they can't be revealed .
despite the hot day brisbane decided to give us
(and i mean hot)
the market was a successful day & there were lots of crowds
to support locally made & designed work.
it was a lovely chance to step out into the world
& meet the people who buy my work...
one lady commented to me that she had been
collecting & following my work since i first started
making my inky poem collage cards 12 years ago !!
this sort of feedback makes all the hard work worth it...
especially when the year is winding up and
i am so tired & emotional from exhaustion
& other parts of life that crowd my heart.
thank you to all those other creative souls who shared
saturday's market... you are all so inspiring