of paper and journals scattered all over my home
on tables, shelves and floors... a lovely reason...
i have just signed my second book deal with
murdoch books
for a follow up book of poetry to count me the stars.
due for release in march next year, this new book (so far untitled)
will have a similar feel, size, and i hope - spirit...
i feel very blessed and humbled
that my work has been received so well.
i am so thankful to murdoch books,
to all the people who write to me about how my work has touched them,
to those closest to me who support me in kindness,
love and unfailing friendship,
and those who buy my work, giving it a home.
i've known for a little while that the new book is happening
the flying visit to sydney late last year
was not only to see crowded house
but also for a meeting with my publisher...
but now the contract is signed and it's
time for the hard work to begin
and, the reason for this post :
it is also time to share this news...