so be warned i am about to again . . .
his most recent show has opened at the IMA in brisbane
and it is nothing short of amazing !
there is architecture and beauty
play and colour
light and shade
spaces within spaces
in this infinite pattern series of works (above) lincoln has said
in beginning he had dreams for a level of perfection within the work
while understanding that he may not reach that level,
and with that knowledge: not being disappointed
and actually embrace the imperfections . . .
and that, in fact making little imperfections in the work makes it more human
and he wants the work to confuse and daunt
but not to the point of being oppressive . . .
he has succeeded . . . and beautifully
lincoln is humble, hard working and passionate
all the makings ( i think ) of a good artist, and a good person,
of which he is both
the photo above shows the sculpture that inhabits the corner
( and a significant part ) of a large room
it is made of over 5800 pieces locked together . . .
and there is another room full of his silver mesh sculptures
if you get a chance it's worth the time to view this show in person
it's on until june 27 ( i am biased but it's true )