to spend some time in the studio and have a go at making
some bits and pieces with clay. . .
i have never done much teaching ( i suppose that's what i was doing )
but shared a few techniques and began what we
hope to be regular time spent together creating . . .
and in conversation and explaining how clay :
moves, works, surprises, breaks, bends, molds, forms
it surprised me how many tricks of the trade
have seeped into my knowledge bank of this amazing
and addictive medium . . .
i suppose years of learning, reading, working, experimenting, making,
conversing with other potters, and listening to clay gives you this,
but it also reminds me how much i still don't know !
( just like it is with life it seems, there are metaphors everywhere )
and although i live with the knowledge instinctively everyday that
clay is a being in itself. . . it was nice to talk about it
to someone that is being introduced to it for the first time . . .
i felt i was loving it all over again through sharing the beauty it is,
and explaining that though we may try and tame it
ultimately it sits in the hands of time
and process
and practice
and skill
and experimenting
and firing
. . . and
. . . and
( insert so many more words here )
it also let me have some time to play with
different clays that i don't always use
techniques that i haven't used for a long time,
and create new bits and pieces
without thought of exhibition, sale or production,
which, with the establishment of this as my living, sometimes
gets put aside more than i'd like
so it was a inspiring morning with my friend momo
who made some delightful things indeed !
( will be sure to share some images of finished work down the track )
AND, by the way if you are in town,
last night at fusions a fabulous exhibition opened featuring many
of my fellow local potter friends who i am great fans of . . .
mel has made a lovely post with all the info
so i'll direct you there . . .