Thursday, July 19, 2012

these days . . . . . . . .

these days have been so full, and overwhelming....
full of so many different emotions i don't know where to start
it has been a funny few weeks here...

working like there is not enough hours in the day
planning christmas, packing orders, making new work, old work,
writing a little... then having total writers block...

saying goodbye to much loved family member who has left us too soon

(with disco ball, cocktails, and some of the amazing people in my life) 
my fortieth

planning a big move to a new place (news which i will share with you very soon) 

life seems to be full and shifting and sad and beautiful . . .

i am not sure how i feel at the moment about so many things
 i know no matter how strong sometimes we might appear to be
the broken bits still find a way of pushing through...

i know i am finding solace in my work, and comfort with friends,
and knowing, as the picture taken today (above) shows,

hearts being scattered is sometimes how life just has to be . . .

(above is studio gal miss jen working under the peonies)

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