my parents home at the gap was damaged in the storm
(a new roof & carport and a lot of mopping up is still needed
and my mums precious garden she's cultivated
for 40 years now will need a lot of repair)
and their neighbourhood (my childhood-land)
as a whole has been badly affected,
with two of their long time neighbours losing their homes...
nearly six years ago the home i was living in was burnt down,
and although (because i lived in the granny flat) i didn't lose
as much as my dear friends who lived upstairs,
the toll it took at the time was great...
so i know what they are going through first hand !
i had so much support and love around me at that time
that i got through it ok in the end...
and i pray that those affected now, will too.
there was one lady who at the time of my fire
kept bringing meals around
to my mum and dad's home (where i was relocated for a while)
and collecting things for me from her church,
a lady i've known all my life,
and now with these storms it is her home that is lost...
so this sunday at my christmas show the tea and coffee
donation jar (and then some) goes to her and her family...