my studio needs such a clean out after the frantic pace of the past few months one more show to go (at GoMA) next saturday and the personalised star orders to get to stores...
and then maybe a clean up, after a few days of rest !
my name is kylie johnson i am an australian artist... designer... potter... poet... something or other.... this space is for images and rambling words about . . . my business - PAPER BOAT PRESS the ceramics i create poetry i write the things i make
here i share news of my work, the studio i work in, the people i share my days with, and of those who inspire me here and there . . .
they can be purchased at book stores around australia, inmy online store, and in the USA atanthropologie for personal reasons i have not added comments to this blog, but feel free to email. i receive a lot of emails at present so please be patient, i will respond as soon as i can