came for a cup of tea over the weekend . . .
hours of sharing of stories, philosophies, and truths
brightened the humble little corner of the world where i dwell . . .
and has left a glow . . . still
one of the things we spoke of was the blog world,
with its quirks, richness and beauty,
but also what lies behind and between,
underneath and unseen . . .
but we agreed that regardless of its perplexities
we are grateful for it bringing us friendships,
contacts, and inspirations that
we may not have known previously . . .
and i am personally grateful for it bringing this
kind-hearted, kindred spirit into my life . . .
there is a wonderful interview with pia
in the current issue of dumbo feather pass it on
dumbo feather is worth a read every issue as it is . . .
but this one is extra special because of pia's words
and her beautiful and insightful slant on a creative life
. . . and life