sad and surreal for a few weeks now . . .
but as is the nature of life
it must go on . . .
even when it is hard when so many around us have
such a long road to recovery ahead . . .
we must keep our heads up and get on with things,
keep industry going, support locals,
continue to help in what ever way we can . . .
my studio girls are back this week
and much organising and arranging has been happening
behind the scenes to prepare for our busy year ahead
one special thing that has made my week
is the addition of a new piece of equipment ( of sorts )
for the studio . . . ( image above )
it is the simple things sometimes . . .
the trick to working in our lovely space is just that . . .
space . . .
there is an amazing view
but not much square footage to work with
so we must improvise . . .
this is ok most of the time,
but last year we introduced a new system to one of our
production processes . . . spraying the glaze on !!!
my friend sean, helped me
not be afraid of an air-compressor
and all the technical info that comes with it,
and he showed and helped me understand
the process as a whole . . .
i have to say for the 'production' side of my work
his help has changed my working life !
so six months ago i bought one (a compressor),
and face mask, and made temporary spray box
out of pieces of ply that were dismantled after each use . . .
this is where the story brings us . . .
in the last week my dad has made this spray box . . .
sits on the table neatly
and when we are finished spraying . . .
we turn it upside down and a table can still be used
. . . that was my idea,
my lateral thinking comes in handy sometimes . . .
anyhoo, just thought i'd share a little bit of timber joy
it isn't always about the pretty . . .
but this piece of practical is pretty fantastic
thanks dad . . .
and sean . . .
and air-compressor manufacturers . . .
this will be used every week
as we make our quote tags and ornaments
and all the other new things we've got up our sleeves,
i'll keep you posted . . .

but as is the nature of life
it must go on . . .
even when it is hard when so many around us have
such a long road to recovery ahead . . .
we must keep our heads up and get on with things,
keep industry going, support locals,
continue to help in what ever way we can . . .
my studio girls are back this week
and much organising and arranging has been happening
behind the scenes to prepare for our busy year ahead
one special thing that has made my week
is the addition of a new piece of equipment ( of sorts )
for the studio . . . ( image above )
it is the simple things sometimes . . .
the trick to working in our lovely space is just that . . .
space . . .
there is an amazing view
but not much square footage to work with
so we must improvise . . .
this is ok most of the time,
but last year we introduced a new system to one of our
production processes . . . spraying the glaze on !!!
my friend sean, helped me
not be afraid of an air-compressor
and all the technical info that comes with it,
and he showed and helped me understand
the process as a whole . . .
i have to say for the 'production' side of my work
his help has changed my working life !
so six months ago i bought one (a compressor),
and face mask, and made temporary spray box
out of pieces of ply that were dismantled after each use . . .
this is where the story brings us . . .
in the last week my dad has made this spray box . . .
sits on the table neatly
and when we are finished spraying . . .
we turn it upside down and a table can still be used
. . . that was my idea,
my lateral thinking comes in handy sometimes . . .
anyhoo, just thought i'd share a little bit of timber joy
it isn't always about the pretty . . .
but this piece of practical is pretty fantastic
thanks dad . . .
and sean . . .
and air-compressor manufacturers . . .
this will be used every week
as we make our quote tags and ornaments
and all the other new things we've got up our sleeves,
i'll keep you posted . . .